How To Save Money From Your Salary Every Month We agree it is tempting to spend all your money when your salary gets credited to your account. But it is…
#ExplainItToMe: All About IPOs
Everything you need to know about IPOs, especially how you can subscribe to them? IPO (Initial Public Offer) – This word has become extremely popular in the past couple of…
Overrated Financial Advice You Should Not Fall For
Over our life, we hear a lot of financial advice. Some of them have been touted as the best ones over the past few years, but we are here to…
#Part 2: Stock Trading Newbie? Here’s What You Should Know
New to trading stocks? We have compiled another list to help you navigate through the world of stocks. In our last blog, we talked about some of the most important…
Stock Trading Newbie? Here’s What You Should Know
You might have picked stock trading as a hobby and might be making good money out of it. But here are the most important things you should know about trading…
How To Motivate Yourself To Save Money Every Month?
Motivate Yourself To Save Money Are you finally serious about saving money? We are going to tell you how you can motivate yourself to stay focused on your journey to…
Fear Of Missing Out: Is It Really That Bad?
FOMO is said to push people towards making bad financial decisions. Can anything good come out of this anxious feeling? What Is FOMO Anyway? FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out, is…
Sacrifice Starbucks To Save Money’ Is BAD Financial Advice
We have heard this and we have been hearing this for years. But financial planning and achieving your life goals is much more than sacrificing your favorite coffee. Sacrifice More…
All Prepared To Buy A House? Here’s What You Should Do Next
You have saved for your down payment, but what are the other steps that you need to do to buy a house? Here’s everything you need to know. In our…
Can You Become Debt-Free In A Year?
The short answer is yes. The long answer is this article telling you how you can do it. We know that India has a debt problem. According to data by…