Why do People Struggle to Stick to Their Financial Resolutions?

Why do People Struggle to Stick to Their Financial Resolutions?

Many of us set financial resolutions with the best intentions to bring positive change and improve our financial position. However, sticking to financial resolutions and remaining consistent becomes tricky for most people. Why do you find it challenging to stay on track with your financial goals, even with the most sincere intentions? Now is the time to introspect your financial behavior and make essential changes.

Here, we’ll explore common reasons behind the struggle and provide you with practical tips to help you stay committed to your financial resolutions. Learn more with Koshex.

Common Reasons Why You Struggle to Stick to Your Financial Resolutions

Struggling to stick to financial resolutions is a common challenge everyone faces, but awareness is what helps counter these challenges. Here are some of the common reasons why most people struggle to stick to their financial resolutions:

1) Lack of Clear Goals

Sometimes, your financial resolutions are too vague. With a clear goal, staying motivated and focused on what you want to achieve is easier. You might have decided that you will cut on unnecessary spending. But why? Unless and until you decide why, you won’t have any motivation to act upon your resolutions and save money.

2) Unrealistic Expectations

Setting overly ambitious goals can set you up for disappointment. If your resolutions are grounded in reality, sustaining the effort needed to achieve them becomes more manageable.

3) No Concrete Plans

While you have the savings goals, what about the journey? Having a goal is fantastic, but you may find yourself lost without a detailed plan on how you plan to achieve it. A lack of actionable steps can make your resolution seem overwhelming and impossible to achieve.

4) Lack of Accountability

When you’re the only one holding yourself accountable, letting things slide is easier. External accountability is necessary for motivation to stay strong over time.

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5) Failure to Track Progress

How are you performing? And remember, no vague answers are allowed! Not keeping track of your progress can lead to a loss of momentum. Regularly assessing how far you’ve come can be a powerful motivator.

6) Emergency Situations

Unexpected expenses can throw a wrench into your financial plans. Without a safety net, these emergencies can derail your progress every now and then.

Best Tips to Help You Stick to Your Financial Resolutions

Do you wish to know the best tips for sticking to financial resolutions? Well, it’s simple! You just have to tackle the above challenges. Here’s how!

1) Determine Your ‘Why’

Understanding why a particular financial and savings goal is essential to you can provide the motivation you need to stay committed and save money. Whether saving for a dream vacation, building an emergency fund, or any other financial goal – a clear ‘why’ gives purpose to your resolution and keeps driving you.

2) Make Realistic Plans

You need to set achievable and realistic financial goals. Further, you should break them down into smaller and manageable steps. This makes your goals more attainable and helps in avoiding feelings of being overwhelmed.

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3) Prepare Workable Budgets

You should create a budget that aligns with your financial goals. Jot down in detail about your income, expenses, and savings. A well-thought-out budget serves as a roadmap for your financial journey and can be significant to save money. It shows you where you stand and what you need to do to get to where you want to be.

4) Get an Accountability Partner

Share your financial resolutions with a friend, family member, or colleague who can be your accountability partner. Having someone to share successes and challenges makes the journey more enjoyable and keeps you on track. Further, they will help you stay on track and prevent you from derailing.  

5) Track Your Progress

You should regularly review your progress. Go on and celebrate small victories and reassess if needed. This ongoing evaluation will help you stay focused and allow for adjustments as circumstances change.

6) Have a Cushion for Emergencies

Life is unpredictable, and emergencies can happen anytime. Even a single financial emergency can wipe off months to years of your dedicated savings. You need to build an emergency fund as part of your financial plan. Having a financial safety net can prevent unexpected expenses from derailing your progress to achieve your financial and savings goals.

7) Seek Professional Assistance

If your financial situation is complex or you find it challenging to manage independently, consider seeking professional advice. Financial planners or advisors can provide personalized strategies and guidance. They can help you set your financial goals and lay down the strategy to reach them.

Also Read: Why Women Need To Start Saving

Summing Up

Sticking to financial resolutions is not always easy, but that’s what makes it interesting. With the right mindset and strategies, it’s entirely achievable. The journey will seem memorable once you reach where you wish to be. By understanding your motivations, setting realistic goals, creating workable plans, and maintaining accountability, you can build a solid foundation for financial success.

Also, here’s an important reminder: Keeping money only in your savings account won’t help you reach your financial goals. You should sign up with Koshex, which allows you to invest across different asset classes like mutual funds, fixed and smart deposits, or digital gold. Once you decide on your financial resolution and have an action plan ready, it’s time to put your money into action as well. With 5000+ mutual funds to invest in, you can select the one that best aligns with your financial resolution. Visit Koshex now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I stay motivated to achieve my financial goals?

A: Determine your ‘why’ – It is the first step to keeping you motivated. The reason behind your financial resolutions and the discipline you wish to inculcate is what drives you. Knowing the purpose and significance of your goals can keep you motivated during challenging times.

Q: Is it okay to adjust financial resolutions as circumstances change?

A: Yes. Adjusting your financial resolutions as needed is perfectly fine and even wise. Life is dynamic, and flexibility is crucial. You should periodically review and adapt your goals based on changes in your life or financial situation.

Q: What is the importance of having an emergency fund?

A: An emergency fund provides a financial cushion against uncertainties. Unexpected expenses can arise, like medical emergencies or any other sudden expenses. Emergency funds prevent these unforeseen circumstances from derailing your progress toward your financial goals.

Q: How can a financial advisor help me with my resolutions?

A: A financial advisor can provide personalized advice tailored to your financial situation and goals. They can help you create a realistic financial plan, offer investment guidance, and provide strategies to reach your financial goals efficiently.