tips for Maximizing Returns on Mutual Fund

Tips For Maximising Returns On Mutual Fund

Here are some tips to maximize returns on mutual funds

Mutual funds are one of the most popular investment instruments, as more and more investors are investing in them every year to grow their wealth over time. They offer diversification, professional management, and the potential for substantial returns. 

In this blog, we will be discussing the tips that you can use to maximise your returns. 

1. Start Early & Stay Invested

The earlier you start investing in mutual funds, the more time your money has to compound. Even small amounts invested regularly can grow significantly over time, provided you stay invested and allow your returns to compound.

For many investors, starting their investment journey might not be a problem, but staying invested is. They try to time the market but market timing is notoriously difficult, even for professional investors. Instead of trying to predict market movements, focus on staying invested for the long term. This will increase the chances of achieving higher returns, as short-term market fluctuations tend to smooth out over time.

Also read: Power of Compounding: Meaning, Benefits & Working

2. Choose The Right Mutual Funds

Before investing in mutual funds, you need to know how much risk you are willing to take. If you have a high-risk tolerance, you can consider investing in small-cap or sectoral/thematic funds. If you have a moderate risk tolerance, you can consider going for hybrid funds. If your risk tolerance is low, you can consider debt mutual funds.

When choosing mutual funds, you need to look beyond past performance and consider other factors, such as the fund’s management team, investment philosophy, expense ratio and so on. A fund’s performance is often influenced by the quality of its management team and its investment strategy. On top of that, funds with lower expense ratios generally have an advantage over those with higher fees. Funds with higher costs may reduce your overall returns in the long run.

Also Read: Which Mutual Fund is Best for Midcap and Small-Cap to Investment?

3. Diversify Efficiently

When it comes to investing, the diversification of a portfolio is extremely crucial. Your portfolio’s performance should never depend on a single mutual fund. When you select the funds, go for a variety. A mix of small-cap funds, sectoral funds, mid-cap funds, hybrid funds, and so on will increase your chances of earning returns consistently while saving you from market volatility.

4. Invest Regularly With SIPs

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) allow you to invest a fixed amount of money regularly in your chosen mutual fund scheme. This investment mode offers several benefits, such as rupee cost averaging, which reduces the impact of market volatility on your investment. By investing regularly, you buy more units when prices are low and vice versa, which can potentially reduce your average cost per unit over time.

SIPs also promote discipline and consistency in your investment strategy. When you automate your investments, you avoid the temptation to time the market or make any impulsive decisions. This can help you build a strong investment portfolio and maximise your returns.

5. Use An SIP Calculator

Calculating the potential returns on your SIP investments is a crucial step for informed decision-making. An SIP calculator can help you estimate how your investments may grow over time based on your contribution, investment tenure, and the expected rate of return provided by you. This helps you to set realistic financial goals and aligns your SIP strategy accordingly. 

Also Read: What Are The Benefits Of A SIP?

6. Choose Funds With Low Expense Ratios

As mentioned above, mutual fund expenses, including management fees and administrative costs, can considerably affect your returns over time. Funds with high expense ratios reduce the amount of money you earn, as a portion of your returns goes toward covering these costs. Hence, to maximise your returns, consider investing in mutual funds with low expense ratios, particularly index funds or ETFs, which usually have lower fees than actively managed funds.

7. Do Tax-Efficient Investing

Taxes can also eat into your mutual fund returns, especially if you are in a high tax bracket. To minimise the impact of taxes on your investments, consider holding your mutual funds for the long term because long-term capital gains are usually taxed at a lower rate than short-term gains. 

Also Read: Who Should Invest in Tax (ELSS) Saving Mutual Funds – Best ELSS Funds 2024

8. Invest More As You Go

The key to maximising your investment potential lies not just in starting early but also in periodically increasing the amount you invest. This strategy can have a significant impact on your long-term financial goals. By periodically increasing your investments, you boost the power of compounding, which allows your wealth to grow at a rapid rate. Increasing your investment contributions regularly also ensures that your portfolio continues to grow in real terms. This can help you maintain, as well as, improve your standard of living.

9. Review & Rebalance Your Portfolio

Market conditions, economic factors, and your personal financial goals can change over time, which can affect the performance of your investments. By regularly reviewing your mutual fund portfolio, you can analyse whether your current portfolio aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance. 

Rebalancing your portfolio means adjusting your portfolio to maintain your desired asset allocation. For example, if the equity funds in your portfolio have performed well, they may now represent a larger portfolio of your portfolio than intended. This can increase the overall risk of your portfolio. Hence, you need to rebalance by selling a portion of your equity funds and investing the proceeds in debt or hybrid funds. This move can bring your portfolio back to your original asset allocation.

10. Be Patient & Stick To Your Strategy

The stock market is very volatile, so if you have equity funds in your portfolio, they can experience significant short-term fluctuations in value. However, reacting to these fluctuations by selling your investments can be harmful to your long-term returns. Hence, it is important to remain patient and stay committed to your investment strategy to increase your chances of earning high returns.

In Conclusion

Maximising returns on mutual funds requires a combination of strategic planning, disciplined investing, and a long-term perspective. By starting early, choosing the right funds, investing regularly, and minimising costs and taxes, you can significantly boost your investment performance. Apart from that, staying patient and sticking to your strategy can help you navigate market volatility and stay on track to achieve your financial goals. Signup with Koshex