Once you obtain any loan or credit card from a bank or financial institution, repayments or defaults directly start impacting your credit score. However, it is not the only reason…
Debt Funds: Duration Strategy or Predictable Returns
Debt funds are a popular investment choice for individuals seeking relatively stable returns compared to equity investments. This makes them ideally suitable for risk-averse investors. Like other investments, investing in…
The Four Pillars Of Personal Finance
Personal finance is a fundamental aspect of our lives that greatly influences our quality and standard of living. It does require careful consideration and management. It includes all the strategies…
When Should I Buy a House? 8 Signs You’re Ready
The decision to buy a house or apartment in India is a significant one, and the right timing can make a substantial difference. If you find yourself ticking the boxes…
What Are Deductibles in Health Insurance in India
Health insurance in India has evolved as an essential tool for the financial security of individuals and families, protecting against the rising costs of medical treatment. This article aims to…
Reasons Why You Must Plan Your Finances
Financial planning is the first step toward securing your financial future. In today’s world, financial stability is the key to achieving your goals and aspirations. Hence, it is important to…
Are Small-Cap Funds Overvalued?
Investing at the right amount and value is crucial to reap the most returns from your investments. This is especially the case for stock and mutual fund investments. When you…
Home Loan Benefits for Women in India
In the world of real estate and personal finance, the significance of home loans for women in India is gaining recognition at a rapid pace. The modern Indian woman is…
How To Approach Equity Mutual Funds Amid General Elections in India
The stock market witnessed a blood bath on the day of election results. Anxiety, confusion and frustration – Indian investors experienced a plethora of emotions that day, as the NDA…
Money Dysmorphia: What Is It and How to Overcome It
The millennials and Gen Z are struggling with money dysmorphia, thinking they are financially behind. In this blog, we are talking about what money dysmorphia is, the symptoms, and how…