Looking To Invest For The Short Term? Investing doesn’t only mean for the long term. You can also invest for a short period to achieve your short-term goals. Here’s a…
How Does The Stock Market Perform When Interest Rates Rise?
How Does The Stock Market Perform When Interest Rates Rise? Interest rate fluctuations can send ripple effects throughout the economy. They also affect the stock market and today, we are…
How Asset Allocation Impacts Your Portfolio
How Asset Allocation Impacts Your Portfolio Asset allocation is a very important part of creating and rebalancing your portfolio. It will ensure that your wealth grows rapidly and your portfolio’s…
5 Ways To Boost Portfolio Returns
5 Boost Portfolio Returns Wealth generation is important for every generation, be it millennials or Generation Z. We make investments with the hope that we would be making higher returns…
What Is Expense Ratio And Why Is It Important?
What Is Expense Ratio And Why Is It Important? The word, ‘Expense Ratio’, gets thrown around a lot when you read any blog related to mutual funds. It is one…
Is It Better to Save Money or to Invest?
Is It Better to Save Money or to Invest Many of us think that saving and investing are the same. The truth is that they aren’t. They are two related…
What Are The Safest Investments With High Returns In India?
What Are The Safest Investments With Highest Returns In India? There are a lot of options for Indian investors who are looking for conservative investment instruments to put their money…
What Is Smart Deposit
Smart Deposit is like a special investment option from Koshex. It lets you invest money and be flexible with it. You can start with ₹25,000 and earn up to 12%…
#ExplainItToMe: All About IPOs
Everything you need to know about IPOs, especially how you can subscribe to them? IPO (Initial Public Offer) – This word has become extremely popular in the past couple of…
#Part 2: Stock Trading Newbie? Here’s What You Should Know
New to trading stocks? We have compiled another list to help you navigate through the world of stocks. In our last blog, we talked about some of the most important…