Introduction If you are living paycheck-to-paycheck, you already know it is not easy. You always struggle to make ends meet, especially at the end of each month. In an already…
A Beginner’s Guide To Asset Allocation
If someone asks which is the best nutrient for a healthy diet, there is no single dish or food item that will single-handedly make someone healthy. You need proteins, carbohydrates,…
The Importance of Starting Retirement Plans Early in Life
Introduction There is a reason why retirement plans are one of the most popular investments today. With economic instability and fast-changing employment scenarios, having an income plan for after retirement…
3 Best Investment Options for Your Child in India
Best investment plan for the child We all want to provide our children with the best higher education and a financially secure future. However, it’s a great idea to start…
How to Save Tax in India | Tax Saving Guide
“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” Warren Buffet Living in a tax-free world is a utopian dream. Instead, we can learn…
12 Financial Tips For Young Adults
Discover 12 Financial Tips to lay a solid basis for financial success as you empower young adults. The urge to shop and swipe a credit card to buy the latest…
How Do You Manage Your Salary Effectively?
Money gives us a chance to live a comfortable life. It ensures we have the resources needed to survive and maintain a desired lifestyle. Some say it can buy happiness,…
What Are The Taxation Rules For Hybrid Mutual Funds?
When you combine both equity and debt funds, you get hybrid mutual funds. Debt funds are money market instruments that include commercial papers (CPs), treasury bills, nonconvertible debentures, government bonds,…
Deductions Under Section 80C, 80CCC, 80CCD and 80D
Income Tax Deductions Under Section 80C, 80CCC, 80CCD, & 80D An increase in income undoubtedly comes with higher growth prospects, but it also brings along more tax liability. According to…
The Ultimate Guide to Money Management
Money management is an essential life skill that we must all learn, irrespective of how much we earn. A 2021 Ipsos global survey revealed that 42% of the respondents considered…